Spanish lullabies with lyrics with female voice Piano listen online

Mothers will find these wonderful nursery lullabies perfect when they get their babies to sleep. Spanish folk bedtime songs are filled with mother's feelings and thoughts about her child's destiny. These soothing cradle songs sometimes have trace of sadness, but their beauty and charm make both parents and babies feel calm and quiet. Listen to Spanish lullabies and songs for toddlers on our website. Also you can download bedtime songs from our site for free 

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Nana de Sevilla
Lorca y La Argentinita

Este galapaguito
no tiene mare;
lo parió una gitana,
lo echó a la calle.
No tiene mare, sí;
no tiene mare, no:
no tiene mare,
lo echó a la calle.

Este niño chiquito
no tiene cuna;
su padre es carpintero
y le hará una.

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