Brahms` Lullaby with female voice Modern listen online

The Brahms` lullaby is one of the most famous and favorite cradle songs in the world, used by countless parents to sing their babies to sleep. Brahms Lullaby was written in the 1800's as a gift for Mr. Brahms' friend, Bertha Faber, when she had her second child. This bedtime music is one of the best to calm babies or lull little kids to sleepThere are many versions and verses for the Brahms` lullaby and we've collected the most famous ones. Listen to Brahms` lullaby along with your child and download it and other nursery songs on our website.

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Baby mine
Paige Morehead

Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine

Little one when you play
Don't you mind what they say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine

If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for
The right to hold you

From your head to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows
But you're so precious to me
Cute as can be, baby of mine.

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