Christian lullabies with male voice listen online

Here is a collection of Christian lullabies for babies. Many familiar hymns and spirituals make wonderful songs to sing to your baby. They are fun to sing as they affirm your faith and comfort your soul as well as your baby's. These bedtime songs also introduce your child to Christian thought as they soothe them. Listen online and download Christian lullabies on our website for free.

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Leanabh An Aigh
Arthur Cormack

Leanabh an àigh leanabh bh'aig Màiri
rugadh 'san stàbull Rìgh nam Dùl,
thàinig do'n fhàsach dh'fhulang nar n-àite,
son' iad an àireamh bhitheas dha dlùth.
Ged a bhios leanaban aig rìghrean na talmhainn
an greadhnachas àrd is anabarr mùirn
's gearr gus am falabh iad 's fàsaidh iad anfhann
an àilleachd 's an dealbh a' searg 'san ùir.
Cha b'ionnan an t-uan thàinig gar fuasgladh
iriseal stuama ghluais e'n tùs.
E naomh gun truailleachd cruithear an t-sluaighe
dh'èirich e suas le buaidh o'n ùir.
Leanabh an àigh mar dh'aithris na fàidhean
's na h-aingealan àrd b'e miann an sùl,
's e 's airidh air gràdh 's ar n'urram thoirt dha.
Sona an àireamh bhitheas dha dlùth.
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