Old lullabies with lyrics with female voice Christian of America listen online

Lullabies are a special kind of bedtime songs. In ancient melodies, which moms sang to their children, there is a thousand-year history. Generations replaced each other, and baby lullabies changed as well. We have collected the largest collection of old cradle songs from all over the Earth. Download and listen to lullabies for free on our website, read the lyrics and learn them along with your baby.

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Elizabeth Guest

Kumbaya Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya

Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbayah
Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya

Michael Row the Boat Ashore
Kidzup, Kiboomu

Michael row your boat ashore, hallelujah.
Michael row your boat ashore, hallelujah.
Sister help to trim the sail, hallelujah.
Sister help to trim the sail, hallelujah.

The river is deep and the river is wide, hallelujah.

The river is deep and the river is wide, hallelujah.

Milk and honey on the other side, hallelujah.

Milk and honey on the other side, hallelujah.
Jordan`s  River  is chilly and cold, hallelujah.

Jordan`s  River  is chilly and cold, hallelujah.
Chills the body but not the soul, hallelujah.

Chills the body but not the soul, hallelujah.
Michael row your boat ashore, hallelujah.
Michael row your boat ashore, hallelujah.

Michael row your boat ashore, hallelujah.
Michael row your boat ashore, hallelujah.

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