Old lullabies with male voice Piano listen online

Lullabies are a special kind of bedtime songs. In ancient melodies, which moms sang to their children, there is a thousand-year history. Generations replaced each other, and baby lullabies changed as well. We have collected the largest collection of old cradle songs from all over the Earth. Download and listen to lullabies for free on our website, read the lyrics and learn them along with your baby.

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Titania's Lullaby
Daniel Zappi

You spotted snakes with double tongue 
Thorny hedgehogs, be not seen 
Newts and blindworms, do no wrong 
Come not near our fairy queen 

Philomel, with melody 
Sing in our sweet lullaby 
Lulla, lulla, lullaby 
Sing in our sweet.. 
Never harm 
Nor spell nor charm 
Come our lovely lady nigh 
So good night with lullaby 

Weaving spiders come not here. 
Hence you long-legged spinners, hence 
Beetles black approach not near 
Worm nor snail do no offense 

Philomel, with melody 
Sing in our sweet lullaby 
Lulla, lulla, lullaby 
Sing in our sweet.. 
Never harm 
Nor spell nor charm 
Come our lovely lady nigh 

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