All lullabies with lyrics A capella with female voice of Jackie Oates listen online

Here you can listen to lullabies that will soothe your baby and make it easier for him or her to fall asleep. Make up your own playlist or chose the one from below. Gentle and soft lullaby music will quickly soothe even the most active kids and give them a long, healthy sleep.

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Thy Cradle Is Green
Jackie Oates

Hush-a-bye baby thy cradle is green;
Father's a nobleman, mother's a queen;
And Betty's a lady who wears a gold ring,
And Johnny's a drummer and drums for the King.

Hush-a-bye baby way up on high;
Never mind baby, Mummy is nigh,
Swinging the baby all around,
Hush-a-bye baby, up hill and down.

Rock-a-bye baby thy cradle is green;
Finest in emerald I've ever seen,
The wind holds a secret, the rhythm to keep,
To carry my baby so gently to sleep.
To carry my baby so gently to sleep.

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