All lullabies with lyrics Traditional Vicky Arlidge of England, Scotland and Wales listen online

Here you can listen to lullabies that will soothe your baby and make it easier for him or her to fall asleep. Make up your own playlist or chose the one from below. Gentle and soft lullaby music will quickly soothe even the most active kids and give them a long, healthy sleep.

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My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean
Vicky Arlidge

My Bonnie lies over the ocean
My Bonnie lies over the sea
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me

Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me

Last night as I lay on my pillow
Last night as I lay on my bed
Last night as I lay on my pillow
I dreamt that my Bonnie was dead

Oh blow the winds o’er the ocean
And blow the winds o’er the sea
Oh blow the winds o’er the ocean
And bring back my Bonnie to me

The winds have blown over the ocean
The winds have blown over the sea
The winds have blown over the ocean
And brought back my Bonnie to me

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