Suantrai (Celtic lullaby) listen online

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Seóthín, seóthó, mo stóirín, mo leanbh, 
Mo sheoid gan chealg, mo chuid den tsaol mhór. 
Seóthín, seóthó, nach mór é a taithneamh, 
Mo stóirín ina leaba, ‘na chodladh gan brón. 
A leanbh mo chléibh, go n-éiri do chodladh leat, 
Séan agus sonas a choice ‘do chomhair. 
Seo beannacht Mhic Dé agus téagar a Bhuime leat. 
Téir a chodladh gan bíogadh go ló. 

Ar mhullach a tSí tá síoga geala, 
Fá chaoinré an earraigh ag imirt a spóirt 
Seo iad aniar chun glaoch ar mo leanbh 
Le mian é a tharraing isteach sa Lios Mór. 
Goirm thú, a chroí! Ní bhfaighidh said do mhealladh 
Le brí a gcleas, ná le binneas a gceol. 
Tá mise led’ thaobh ag guí ort na mbeannacht, 
Seóthín, a leanbh, ní imeoidh tú leo. 

Os comhair mo lao go míochair ceanúil, 
Tá dílroisc aingeal ag faire ina threo, 
Le mórghrá dian á’ iarraidh chun bealaigh 
Mar b’aoibhne Flaithis dá rachadh sé leo. 
A stór mo chroí, luigh siar i do leaba, 
Le taobh do mhama is ea fhanfair go fóill. 
Ní mór liom ag Día mo shiamsa ‘gus m’aiteas, 
Mo ríocht ar talamh i dteannta mo bhróid. 

Seóthín, seóthó, my treasure, my child, 
My jewel with no flaw, my own in the great world. 
Seóthín, seóthó, isn’t it a great pleasure, 
My little treasure in his bed, asleep without sadness. 
Child of my bosom, have a good sleep, 
Good fortune and happiness be yours forever. 
This is the son of God’s blessing and the comfort of his mother for you.
Go to sleep without stirring ‘til day. 

On top of the fairy hill are bright fairies 
Under a soft, spring moon playing and sporting. 
Here they are from the west to call for my child 
Wishing to draw him into the great ringfort. 
I call you, my heart! They won’t entice you 
With the strength of their tricks or the sweetness of their music. 
I am at your side, blessing you, 
Seóthín, child, you won’t leave with them. 

In front of my calf [child] with loving tenderness 
The kind eyes of angels are watching over him 
With intense great love wanting him to go their way 
Because Heaven would be more delightful if he went with them. 
Treasure of my heart, lie back in your bed, 
By your mommy’s side you will stay a while yet. 
I’m grateful to God for my amusement and my pleasure, 
My kingdom on earth with my pride and joy.

Listen other Celtic lullabies

October Winds (The Castle of Dromore)
Margie Butler

The October winds lament
Around the Castle of Dromore,
Yet peace is in its lofty halls,
My loving treasure store.
Though autumn leaves may droop and die
A bud of spring are you.
Sing hush-a-bye loo, la loo, lo lan,
Sing hush-a-bye loo, la lo.

Bring no ill winds to hinder us,
My helpless babe and me,
Dread spirit of Blackwater banks,
Clan Owen's wild banshee.
And Holy Mary pitying us
In heav'n for grace doth sue.
Sing hush-a-bye loo, la loo, lo lan,
Sing hush-a-bye loo, la lo.

Take time to thrive, my rose of hope,
In the garden of Dromore.
Take heed, young eagle, till your wings
Are feathered fit to soar.
A little rest and then the world
Is full of work to do
Sing hush-a-bye loo, la loo, lo lan,
Sing hush-a-bye loo, la lo.

Castle Of Dromore
Brigit Well

The October winds lament 
around the castle of Dromore 
Yet peace is in her lofty halls 
My loving treasure store 

Though Autumn leaves may droop and die 
a bud of spring are you sing hush-a-by 
loo,la-lo,la lan 
sing hush-a-by loo la lo 

Bring no ill will to hinder us 
my helpless babe and me dread spirits 
of the blackwater clan owen's wild banshee 
and Holy Mary pitying us in Heaven 
for grace doth sue sing hush-a-by 
loo,la-lo,la lan sing hush-a-by loo la lo 

Take time to thrive my ray of hope 
in the garden of Dromore 
Take heed young eaglet 
till thy wings are feathered fit to soar 
a little rest and then the world 
is full of work to do 
sing hush-a-by loo,
la-lo,la lan sing hush-a-by loo la lo

Garten Mother's Lullaby
Teresa Doyle

Sleep, my child, for the red bee hums the silent twilight's fall
Darkness from the grey rock comes to wrap the world in thrall
A lyan van o, my child, my joy, my love and heart's desire
The crickets sing you lullaby beside the dying fire

Dusk is drawn and the Green Man's thorn is wreathed in rings of fog
Sheevra sails his boat 'til morn upon the starry bog
A lyan van o, the paly moon hath brimm'd her cusp in dew
And weeps to hear the sad, sleep tune I sing, o love, to you

Sleep, O babe, for the red bee hums the silent twilight's fall
Eeval from the grey rock comes to wrap the world in thrall
A lyan van o, my child, my joy, my love and heart's desire
The crickets sing you lullaby beside the dying fire

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