Lullabies from movies listen online
Nenni dersem uyur m’ola
Üstüne güller gelir m’ola
Benim yavrum böyür m’ola
Nenni nenni e guzum nenni
Bebegin besigi çamdan
Düşdü yuvarlandi damdan
Babasi geliyor Sam’dan
Nenni nenni e guzum nenni
Ormanlardan geçemedim
Ben yavrumu seçemedim
Gonah yirine yetemedim
Nenni nenni e guzum nenni
Ben bebegi yudumudu
Gül dalina godumudu
Ben de kestim ümidimi
Nenni yavrum nenni e guzum nenni
Shut up and go to bed
Put the pillow under your head
I'm sick and tired of all your worries
Shut up and say goodnight
Say your prayers and turn off the light
I'm sick and tired of all your sob-stories
Shut up and shut your eyes
No more histrionics, no more college tries
Stop pushing, stop shoving, stop straining
Shut your mouth and button your lip
You're a late night faucet that's gotta drip
All you're doing is merely complaining
The excuse that you're crazy is useless
You're not biting you're barking you're toothless
But you're ruthless (you're Rufus)
Shut up and count some sheep
And do me a favor, don't bitch in your sleep
No more agony, please no more sorrow
Shut up and catch some Zs
Ice cream with a cherry plus a big pretty please
I promise we'll resume tomorrow...Goodnight.
Meow-meow meow-meow meow meow (x4)
I am just a kitten
Hardly fit my mittens
Much too small, i figure
One day i'll be bigger
One day i'll be a great big kitty cat
Use open windows to go from flat to flat
Meow-meow meow-meow meow meow (x4)
Meow meow meow meow-meow-meow (x2)
I am just a kitten
Hardly fit my mittens
Much too small, i figure
One day i'll be bigger
One day i'll be all grown up and strong
But till then i'll just purr and sing along
Meow-meow meow-meow meow meow (x4)
Meow meow meow meow-meow-meow (x2)
Meow-meow meow-meow meow meow (x4)
Eysh ya ebn Adam Eysh
Ah ya ebn adam eysh.ah eysh ya ebni.
ya ebni adem eysh
ismani ya ebn adem eysh ...ya adam ya adam ...