Lullabies by male voice with lyrics listen online
Slaap, kindje, slaap.
Daar buiten loopt een schaap.
Een schaap met witte voetjes
Dat drinkt zijn melk zo zoetjes.
Slaap, kindje, slaap.
Daar buiten loopt een schaap.
Ho ho hum
Ho ho hum
Ho ho hum
Sing this tune
And you'll sleep soon
Ho ho hum
Ho ho hum
Ho ho hum
While I try this lullaby
Ho ho hum
They have being yawning this song for ages
I suppose because it's so contagious
Ho ho hum
Ho ho hum
Ho ho hum
It gets so boring
You'll soon been snoring
Ho ho hum
Ho ho hum
Ho ho hum
Rock-a-bye, baby, in the treetop,
When the wind blows the cradle will rock;
When the bough breaks the cradle will fall,
And down will come baby, cradle and all.
Baby is drowsing, cosy and fair.
Mother sits near, in her rocking chair.
Forward and back the cradle she swings,
And though baby sleeps, he hears what she sings.
From the high rooftops down to the sea,
No one's as dear as baby to me.
Wee little fingers, eyes wide and bright -
Now sound asleep until morning light.
Lullaby, and good night
In the sky stars are bright
Close your eyes, start to yawn
Pleasant dreams until the dawn
Close your eyes now and rest
Lay your head on my breast
Go to sleep now and rest
May your slumber be blessed
Zhuzhuna cvima the movida,
Didi mindori Panama.
Panama, Panama, Panama,
Didi mindori Panama.
Vinz conse code frame tkvas,
Guli Gauchos Panama.
Panama, Panama, Panama,
Guli Gauchos Panama.
Once there was a way to get back homeward
Once there was a way to get back home
Sleep, pretty darling, do not cry
And I will sing a lullaby
Golden Slumbers fill your eyes
Smiles awake you when you rise
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I wil sing a lullaby
Once there was a way to get back homeward
Once there was a way to get back home
Sleep, pretty darling, do not cry
And I will sing a lullaby
Golden Slumbers fill your eyes
Smiles awake you when you rise
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I wil sing a lullaby
Oh, you're gonna carry that weight
Carry that weight a long time
Oh, you're gonna carry that weight
Carry that weight a long time
Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird won't sing,
Papa's going to buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns brass,
Papa's going to buy you a looking glass.
If that looking glass gets broke,
Papa's going to buy you a billy goat.
If that billy goat won't pull,
Papa's going to buy you a cart and bull.
If that cart and bull turn over,
Papa`s going to buy you a dog named Rover.
If that dog named Rover won't bark,
Papa's going to buy you a horse and cart.
If that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little boy in town.
Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass
And if that looking glass gets broke,
Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat
And if that billy goat won't pull,
Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull
And if that cart and bull turn over,
Papa's gonna buy you a dog named Rover
And if that dog named Rover won't bark
Papa's gonna buy you a horse and cart
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town.
Once there was a way,
To get back homeward.
Once there was a way
To get back home.
Sleep, pretty darling,
Dot not cry
And I will sing a lullaby.
Once there was a way,
To get back homeward.
Once there was a way
To get back home.
Sleep, pretty darling,
Dot not cry
And I will sing a lullaby.
Golden slumbers,
Fill your eyes
Smiles await you when you rise
Sleep pretty darling
Do not cry
And I will sing a lullaby.
Once there was a way
To get back homeward
Once there was a way
To get back home
Sleep, pretty darling
Do not cry
And I will sing a lullaby.
Sleep little child, go to sleep,
Mother is here by thy bed.
Sleep little child, go to sleep,
Rest on the pillow thy head.
The world is silent and still,
The moon shines bright on the hill,
Then creeps past the window sill.
Sleep little child, go to sleep,
Oh sleep, go to sleep.
Huna blentyn ar fy mynwes,
Clyd a chynnes ydyw hon;
Breichiau mam sy'n dynn amdanat,
Cariad mam sy dan fy mron;
Ni chaiff dim amharu'th gyntun,
Ni wna undyn â thi gam;
Huna'n dawel, annwyl blentyn,
Huna'n fwyn ar fron dy fam.
Huna'n dawel, heno, huna,
Huna'n fwyn, y tlws ei lun;
Pam yr wyt yn awr yn gwenu,
Gwenu'n dirion yn dy hun?
Ai angylion fry sy'n gwenu,
Arnat ti yn gwenu'n llon,
Tithau'n gwenu'n ôl dan huno,
Huno'n dawel ar fy mron?
Paid ag ofni, dim ond deilen
Gura, gura ar y ddôr;
Paid ag ofni, ton fach unig
Sua, sua ar lan y môr;
Huna blentyn, nid oes yma
Ddim i roddi iti fraw;
Gwena'n dawel yn fy mynwes.
Ar yr engyl gwynion draw.
Ach, uśnij, moja mała,
lalka też będzie spała.
Bajkę ci powie do uszka
twoja zaspana poduszka.
Dobranoc już, dobranoc,
melodia do snu ukołysze.
Zaśnijcie już, moje dzieci
wsłuchajcie się w nocy ciszę.
Ach, uśnij, mój malutki,
od dawna śpią krasnoludki.
Śpi polny żuczek i muszka,
zasnęła twoja poduszka.
Ach, śpijcie, moje dzieci,
gdy księżyc w górze świeci
i nawet gwiazdki na niebie
sennie mrugają do siebie.
Dobranoc już, dobranoc,
melodia do snu ukołysze.
Zaśnijcie już, moje dzieci
wsłuchajcie się w nocy ciszę.
And the livin' is easy
Fish are jumpin'
And the cotton is high
Your daddy's rich
And your mamma's good lookin'
So hush little baby
Don't you cry
One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing
Then you'll spread your wings
And you'll fly to the sky
But till that morning
There's a'nothing can harm you
With daddy and mamma standing by
One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing
Then you'll spread your wings
And you'll fly to the sky
But till that morning
There's a'nothing can harm you
With daddy and mamma standing by
Pelel, pelel nešk miegelį
Po mažyčio pagalvėle
Saldų miegelį.
Kad katelė nepajustų,
Mažytėlė nepabustų,
Kad saldžiai miegotų.
Pelel, pelel, nešk miegelį
Per devynias kamarėles,
Saldų miegelį.
Pelel, pelel, nešk miegelį
Kaip bitelė medutėlį,
Saldų miegelį.
Pasuoleliais, paloveliais,
Po mažytės pagalvėle,
Saldų miegelį.
Kad katelė nepajustų,
Mažytėlė nepabustų,
Saldžiai miegotų.
Sov nu, lille prinsen min,
När jag släcker ljuset
Far ska gå till sin maskin,
Mor ska vakta huset
Sov nu, prinsen, du som kan
Far går till fabriken han
Jobbar hårt som katten
Hela långa natten
Månen lyser gul och hel
Uppå himlarundan
Livet är ett penningspel,
Ingen slipper undan
Klaga hjälper ej, kamrat!
Banderoller och plakat
Kan man inte äta
Det ska prinsen veta
Koppla av nu, lille prins,
Tid har du ju gott om
Använd den när chansen finns,
Sedan blir det bråttom
Sedan blir det bråk och strid
Om ackord och övertid
Än är ingen fara,
Ta det lugnt du bara
Sov nu, lille prinsen min,
När jag släcker ljuset
Far ska gå till sin maskin,
Mor ska vakta huset
Här hos mor har du det bra,
Mor har allt det du vill ha
För det kan jag lova
Nu ska prinsen sova
More: Текст песни Cornelis Vreeswijk: Vaggvisa
Patrastets’ p’vok’rik tghan
Mi chermak t’ght’ye navak,
Ijets’rets’ navaky na
Getaki alik’neri vra.
Im p’vok’rik navak,
Im p’vok’rik navak,
Khasnes, ardyok’,
Tsovin kaputak.
Im p’vok’rik, p’vok’rik navak,
Ur yes du, ur yes loghum,
Ur yen k’yez, ur yen tanum
Geti alik’nery khelagar.
Im p’vok’rik navak,
Im p’vok’rik navak,
Khasnes ardyok’
Tsovin kaputak.
Aregakn anhetats’av,
Amperi yetevn ants’av,
Yerknk’its’ andzrev t’ap’vets’,
Vow p’vok’rik getaky vararets’.
Im p’vok’rik navak,
Im p’vok’rik navak,
Du hasar ardyok’
Tsovin kaputak.
T’ye chanaparhin
Khortakets’ k’amin
Yev du k’nets’ir
Geti hatakin.
Shut up and go to bed
Put the pillow under your head
I'm sick and tired of all your worries
Shut up and say goodnight
Say your prayers and turn off the light
I'm sick and tired of all your sob-stories
Shut up and shut your eyes
No more histrionics, no more college tries
Stop pushing, stop shoving, stop straining
Shut your mouth and button your lip
You're a late night faucet that's gotta drip
All you're doing is merely complaining
The excuse that you're crazy is useless
You're not biting you're barking you're toothless
But you're ruthless (you're Rufus)
Shut up and count some sheep
And do me a favor, don't bitch in your sleep
No more agony, please no more sorrow
Shut up and catch some Zs
Ice cream with a cherry plus a big pretty please
I promise we'll resume tomorrow...Goodnight.
Amis, partons sans bruit;
La peche sera bonne,
La lune qui rayonne
Eclairera la nuit.
Il faut qu'avant l'aurore
Nous soyons de retour,
Pour sommeiller encore
Avant qu'il soit grand jour.
Partons, la mer est belle;
Embarquons-nous, pecheurs,
Guidons notre nacelle,
Ramons avec ardeur.
Aux matissons les voiles,
Le ciel est pur et beau;
Je vois briller l'etoile
Qui guide les matelots!
Ainsi chantait mon pere,
Lors qu'il quitta le port,
Il ne s'attendait guere
A y trouver la mort.
Par les vents, par l'orage,
Il fut surpris soudain;
Et d'un cruel naufrage
Il subit le destin.
Je n'ai plus que ma mere,
Qui ne possede rien,
Elle est dans la misere
Je suis son seul soutien.
Ramons, ramons bien vite,
Je l'apercois la-bas;
Je la vois qui m'invite
En me tendant les bras.
You spotted snakes with double tongue
Thorny hedgehogs, be not seen
Newts and blindworms, do no wrong
Come not near our fairy queen
Philomel, with melody
Sing in our sweet lullaby
Lulla, lulla, lullaby
Sing in our sweet..
Never harm
Nor spell nor charm
Come our lovely lady nigh
So good night with lullaby
Weaving spiders come not here.
Hence you long-legged spinners, hence
Beetles black approach not near
Worm nor snail do no offense
Philomel, with melody
Sing in our sweet lullaby
Lulla, lulla, lullaby
Sing in our sweet..
Never harm
Nor spell nor charm
Come our lovely lady nigh
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Alles schlaft und alles wacht
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alles schweigt und alles spricht
alles wei? man leider nicht
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die Lampen leuchten - der Tag ist aus