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Here you can listen to lullabies that will soothe your baby and make it easier for him or her to fall asleep. Make up your own playlist or chose the one from below. Gentle and soft lullaby music will quickly soothe even the most active kids and give them a long, healthy sleep.

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Lavender’s Blue
Jackie Oates

This I must say, dilly dilly, and it is true, 
You must love me, dilly dilly, 'cause I love you.

Who told you so, dilly dilly, who told you so?
'T was my own heart, dilly dilly ,that told me so.
Call up your men, dilly dilly, set them to work, 
Set them to reap, dilly dilly, set them to mow, 
Some to cut hay, dilly dilly, some to cut corn, 
While you and I, dilly dilly, keep ourselves warm.

Close we will live, dilly dilly, and when we die, 
Both in one grave, dilly dilly, close we will lie, 
If I die first, dilly dilly, and that may be, 
You must live on, dilly dilly, thinking of me.

Lavender's green, dilly dilly, Lavender's blue. 
When I am king, dilly dilly, you shall be queen.

Who told you so, dilly dilly, who told you so?
'T was my own heart, dilly dilly ,that told me so.

Jewish lullaby
The World Lullabies

Oyfn veg shteyt a boym, steyt er ayngeboygn;

Ale feygl funem boym zaynen zikh tsefloygn:
Dray keyn mizrekh, dray keyn mayrev,
un di resht - keyn dorem, Un dem boym gelozt aleyn, hefker farn shtorem...
Zog ikh tsu der mamen: - her, zolst mir nor nit shtern,
Vel ikh, mame, eyns un tsvey, bald a foygl vern...
Ikh vel zitsn oyfn boym un vel im farvign,
Ibern vinter mit a treyst, mit a sheinem nign.

Zogt di mame: Nite, kind! - Un zi veynt mit trern.
- Kenst, kholile, oyfn boym mir farfroyrn nern...
Zog ikh: - Mame, s`iz a shod dayne sheyne oygn -
Un eyder vos, un eyder ven bin ikh mir a foygl...
Veynt di mame: - Itsik kroyn, ze, um Gotes viln,
Nem zikh mit a shalikl - zolst zikh nisht farkiln.
Di kaloshn tu zikh on - s`geyt a shafer vinter;
Un di kutshme nem oych mit, vey iz mir un vind mir!..

Un dos vintl-laybl nem, tu es on, du shoyte,
Oyb du vilst nisht zayn keyn gast tsvishn ale toyte...
Kh`heyb di fligl - s`iz mir shver, tsu fil, tsu fil zakhn
Hot di mame ongeton dem feygele, dem shvachn...
Kuk ikh troyerik mir arayn in mayn mames oygn
- S`hot ir libshaft nisht derlozt vern mikh a foygl...
Oyfn veg shteyt a boym, steyt er ayngeboygn;
Ale feygl funem boym zaynen zikh tsefloygn...

Au clair de la lune
French lullaby

Au clair de la lune
Mon ami Pierrot
Prête-moi ta plume
Pour écrire un mot
Ma chandelle est morte
Je n’ai plus de feu
Ouvre-moi ta porte
Pour l’amour de Dieu

Au clair de la lune
Pierrot répondit :
Je n’ai pas de plume
Je suis dans mon lit
Va chez la voisine
Je crois qu’elle y est
Car dans sa cuisine
On bat le briquet

Dans son lit de plumes
Pierrot se rendort
Il rêve à la lune
Son coeur bat bien fort
Car toujours si bonne
Pour l’enfant tout blanc
La lune lui donne
Son croissant d’argent

Uyusun da Buyusun
Classical Turkish Lullaby

Uyusun da büyüsün ninni

Tıpış tıpış yürüsün ninni

Eeee eee eee ee uyu yavrum ninni

Eeee eee eee ee uyu yavrum ninni

Dandini dandini danalı bebek

Elleri kolları kınalı bebek

Eeee eee eee ee uyu yavrum ninni

Eeee eee eee ee uyu yavrum ninni

Dream Angus
Jackie Oates

Can you not hush your weeping?
All the birds are sleeping
Birdies are nesting, nestling together
Dream Angus is hurtling o're the heather.
Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell!
Angus is here with dreams to sell.
Hush, my dear baby, and sleep without fear
Dream Angus has brought you a dream, my dear.

List' to the curlew crying, oh
Faintly the echoes dying, oh
Even the birdies and beasties are sleeping,
But my bonnie bairn lies weeping, weeping.

Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell
Angus is here with dreams to sell
Hush my dear baby and sleep without fear
Dream Angus has brought you a dream, my dear

Soon the lavrock sings his song
Welcoming the coming dawn
Lambies hurry down together
With the ewes all in the heather

Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell
Angus is here with dreams to selll
Hush my dear baby, sleep without fear
Dream Angus has brought you a dream, my dear

Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell
Angus is here with dreams to sell
Hush my dear baby and sleep without fear
Dream Angus has brought you a dream, my dear

Scandinavian Lullaby
The World's Lullabies

Barnet legges i vuggen ned
Stundom gråter og stundom ler
(Sove nå, sove nå, i jesu navn
Jesus bevare barnet.)

Mamma tar meg på sitt fang
Danser med meg att og fram
Danse så, med de små
Danse så, så skal barnet sove

Dream Angus
Dream Angus

Dream Angus is a sort of Scottish Sandman who helps children off to sleep

Can you not hush your weeping?
All the birds are sleeping
Birdies are nesting, nestling together
Dream Angus is hurtling o're the heather.
Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell!
Angus is here with dreams to sell.
Hush, my dear baby, and sleep without fear
Dream Angus has brought you a dream, my dear.

List' to the curlew crying, oh
Faintly the echoes dying, oh
Even the birdies and beasties are sleeping,
But my bonnie bairn lies weeping, weeping.

Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell
Angus is here with dreams to sell
Hush my dear baby and sleep without fear
Dream Angus has brought you a dream, my dear

Soon the lavrock sings his song
Welcoming the coming dawn
Lambies hurry down together
With the ewes all in the heather

Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell
Angus is here with dreams to selll
Hush my dear baby, sleep without fear
Dream Angus has brought you a dream, my dear

Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell
Angus is here with dreams to sell
Hush my dear baby and sleep without fear
Dream Angus has brought you a dream, my dear

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