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Rock-a-bye, baby
On the treetop
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock
If the bough breaks
The cradle will fall
But mama will catch you
Cradle and all
Baby is drowsing
Cozy and fair
Mother sits near
In her rocking chair
Forward and back
The cradle she swings
And though baby sleeps
He hears what she sings
Hush a bye baby
Up in the sky
On a soft cloud
it’s easy to fly
Angels keep watch
Over as you sleep
So hush a bye baby
Don’t make a peep
Rock a bye baby
Do not you fear
Never mind baby
Mother is near
Wee little fingers
Eyes are shut tight
Now sound asleep
Until morning light
That had no stone
I gave my love a chicken
That had no bone
I gave my love a story
That had no end
I gave my love a baby
With no crying.
How can there be a cherry
That has no stone?
And how can there be a chicken
That has no bone?
How can there be a story
That has no end?
And how can there be a baby
With no crying?
A cherry when it's blooming
It has no stone
A chicken when it's piping
It has no bone
The story that I love you
It has no end
A baby when it's sleeping
It's no crying.
Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn,
The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn.
But where is the boy, who looks after the sheep?
He's under a haystack, he's fast asleep.
Will you wake him? No, not I,
For if I do, he's sure to cry.
My little tiny child
By-by, lullay, lullay
My little tiny child
By-by, lullay, lullay
How may we do
For to preserve this day?
Of whom we do sing
By-by, lullay, lullay
In his raging
Charged he hath this day
In his own sight
All children young to slay
Poor child for thee
And ever mourn and say
Nor say nor sing
By-by, lullay, lullay
My little tiny child
By-by, lullay, lullay
My little tiny child
By-by, lullay, lu
By-by, lullay, lu
By-by, lullay, lu
Ljuljaj mi sine,
Ljuljaj mi nado moja,
Ljuljaj mi unučiću moj.
I tvoja će baka spati
I na krilo tebe zvati,
Nunaj mi golube moj…
Amis, partons sans bruit;
La peche sera bonne,
La lune qui rayonne
Eclairera la nuit.
Il faut qu'avant l'aurore
Nous soyons de retour,
Pour sommeiller encore
Avant qu'il soit grand jour.
Partons, la mer est belle;
Embarquons-nous, pecheurs,
Guidons notre nacelle,
Ramons avec ardeur.
Aux matissons les voiles,
Le ciel est pur et beau;
Je vois briller l'etoile
Qui guide les matelots!
Ainsi chantait mon pere,
Lors qu'il quitta le port,
Il ne s'attendait guere
A y trouver la mort.
Par les vents, par l'orage,
Il fut surpris soudain;
Et d'un cruel naufrage
Il subit le destin.
Je n'ai plus que ma mere,
Qui ne possede rien,
Elle est dans la misere
Je suis son seul soutien.
Ramons, ramons bien vite,
Je l'apercois la-bas;
Je la vois qui m'invite
En me tendant les bras.
Szerelem, szerelem,
átkozott gyötrelem,
mért nem virágoztál
minden fatetejen?
Minden fa tetején,
diófa levelén.
úgy szaki^sztott volna
minden leány s legény.
Mer én is szaki^sztottam
s el is szalasztottam.
én is szaki^sztottam
s el is szalasztottam.
Hej de még szaki^sztanék
ha jóra találnék
ha jóra, ha szépre
régi szeretö^mre.
S a régi szeretö^mért
mit nem cselekedném?
Tengerbö^l a vizet
kanállal lemerném.
S a tenger fenekérö^l
apró gyöngyöt szednék
s a régi szeretö^mnek
gyöngykoszorút kötnék.
Sleep little child, go to sleep,
Mother is here by thy bed.
Sleep little child, go to sleep,
Rest on the pillow thy head.
The world is silent and still,
The moon shines bright on the hill,
Then creeps past the window sill.
Sleep little child, go to sleep,
Oh sleep, go to sleep.
Rock-a-bye, baby, in the treetop,
When the wind blows the cradle will rock;
When the bough breaks the cradle will fall,
And down will come baby, cradle and all.
Baby is drowsing, cosy and fair.
Mother sits near, in her rocking chair.
Forward and back the cradle she swings,
And though baby sleeps, he hears what she sings.
From the high rooftops down to the sea,
No one's as dear as baby to me.
Wee little fingers, eyes wide and bright -
Now sound asleep until morning light.
Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird won't sing,
Papa's going to buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns brass,
Papa's going to buy you a looking glass.
If that looking glass gets broke,
Papa's going to buy you a billy goat.
If that billy goat won't pull,
Papa's going to buy you a cart and bull.
If that cart and bull turn over,
Papa`s going to buy you a dog named Rover.
If that dog named Rover won't bark,
Papa's going to buy you a horse and cart.
If that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little boy in town.
Ari, im sokhak, tvogh partez merin,
Tagherov kun ber tyghis achyerin.
Bayts na lalis e .- du sokhak, mi gal,
Im vordin ch’uze tiratsu daonal.
Yek, abeghadzag, tvogh art u arot,
Orore tghis, kyni e karot.
Bayts’ na lalis e .- tatrakik, mi gal,
Im vordin ch’uze abegha darrnal.
Tvogh du tatrakik, kvo dzagn u buny
Vuvuov tghis ber anush k’uny.
Bayts’ na lalis e - tat.
A la nanita nana nanita ella nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueno bendito sea, bendito sea
Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Ruiseñor que en la selva cantando llora
Calla mientras la cuna se balansea
A la nanita nana, nanita ella
A la nanita nana nanita ella nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueno bendito sea, bendito sea
Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Ruiseñor que en la selva cantando llora
Calla mientras la cuna se balansea
A la nanita nana, nanita ella
A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella
Mi Nina tiene sueno bendito sea, bendito sea
A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella
Mi Nina tiene sueno bendito sea, bendito sea
Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Ruisenor que en la selva cantando llora
Calla mientras la cuna se balansea
A la nanita nana, nanita ella
A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella
Mi Nina tiene sueno bendito sea, bendito sea
Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Ruisenor que en la selva cantando llora
Calla mientras la cuna se balansea
A la nanita nana, nanita ella
1. Gdy śliczna Panna Syna kołysała,
z wielkim weselem tak Jemu śpiewała:
Lili lili laj, moje Dzieciąteczko,
lili lili laj, śliczne Paniąteczko.
2. Wszystko stworzenie, śpiewaj Panu swemu,
pomóż radości wielkiej sercu memu.
Lili lili laj, wielki Królewicu,
lili lili laj, niebieski Dziedzicu.
3. Sypcie się z nieba, śliczni Aniołowie,
śpiewajcie Panu, niebiescy duchowie.
Lili lili laj, mój wonny Kwiateczku,
lili lili laj, w ubogim żłóbeczku.
Hush-a-bye baby thy cradle is green;
Father's a nobleman, mother's a queen;
And Betty's a lady who wears a gold ring,
And Johnny's a drummer and drums for the King.
Hush-a-bye baby way up on high;
Never mind baby, Mummy is nigh,
Swinging the baby all around,
Hush-a-bye baby, up hill and down.
Rock-a-bye baby thy cradle is green;
Finest in emerald I've ever seen,
The wind holds a secret, the rhythm to keep,
To carry my baby so gently to sleep.
To carry my baby so gently to sleep.
Sleep on child, it is not quite day
For the moon has still to set
Oh the lark she will cry
And bring down the morning to where you lie
But the lark has not risen yet
Oh, the lark has not risen yet
Sleep on child while the birds rest on
And the cow she sleeps in her stall
Oh the meadow stands grey
In this dew-down moment before the day
And waits for the lark to call
And waits for the lark to call
Sleep on child while the fields are still;
They wait for your father's hand
But he will not go
And the sun will not shine and the cock will not crow
Til the lark cries over the land
Til the lark cries over the land
Sleep on child and heed no sound
For your father may rise in the dark
With his boots in his hand
Go drowsily down by the doorway to stand
Waiting for the lark
Waiting for the lark
Сладко спи, ребенок мой,
Глазки поскорей закрой.
Баю-Баю, птенчик - спать,
Будет мамочка качать.
Ночь пришла, пора всем спать,
Надо глазки закрывать.
Задремал петушок,
Спит и серенький коток.
Вышла, вышла маменька
И закрыла ставеньку.
Баю-баю, баю-бай
Поскорее засыпай.
Уж как сон ходил по лавке
Дрема по полу брела
Дрема по полу брела
К Маше нашей забрела
К ней в кроватку забрела,
На подушку прилегла.
На подушку прилегла,
Машу ручкой обняла.
Не ложися на краю:
Придет серенький волчок,
Тебя схватит за бочок
И утащит во лесок,
Под ракитовый кусток;
Там птички поют.
Тебе спать не дадут.
(Romanized Japanese)
Nenneko shasshari mase,
Neta ko no kawaisa.
Okite naku ko no
Nenkororo, tsura nikusa.
Nenkororon, nenkororon.
Nenneko shasshari mase,
Kyō wa nijūgo-nichi sa.
Asu wa kono ko no,
Nenkororo, Miya-mairi.
Nenkororon, nenkororon.
Miya e maitta toki,
Nan to yūte ogamu sa.
Issho kono ko no,
Nenkororo, mame na yō ni.
Nenkororon, nenkororon.
Uyusun da büyüsün ninni
Tıpış tıpış yürüsün ninni
Eeee eee eee ee uyu yavrum ninni
Eeee eee eee ee uyu yavrum ninni
Dandini dandini danalı bebek
Elleri kolları kınalı bebek
Eeee eee eee ee uyu yavrum ninni
Eeee eee eee ee uyu yavrum ninni
Lilla Carl, sov sött i frid!
Du får tids nog vaka,
tids nog se vår onda tid och
hennes galla smaka.
Världen är en sorgeö
bäst man andas skall man dö
och bli mull tillbaka.
En gång, där en källa flöt
förbi en skyl i rågen,
stod en liten gosse söt
och spegla sig i vågen:
bäst sin bild han såg så skön
uti böljan, klar och grön,
straxt han inte såg'en.
Så är med vår levnad fatt,
och så försvinna åren:
bäst man andas gott och glatt,
så lägges man på båren.
Lilla Carl skall tänka så,
när han ser de blomor små,
som bepryda våren.
Sove lulla, lilla vän!
Din välgång alla gläda.
När du vaknar, sku vi sen
dig klippa häst och släda;
sen små hus av kort - lull lull -
sku vi bygga, blåsa kull
och små visor kväda.
Mamma har åt barnet här
små gullskor och gullkappa,
och om Carl beskedlig är,
så kommmer rättnu pappa,
lilla barnet namnam ger...
Sove lulla! Ligg nu ner
och din kudde klappa.